Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bringin Hope

I had a post planned for this evening, but my evening didn't go as planned (to say the least), and I just got home. So let's try this instead -- another RevGalBlogPal Friday Five.

Name 5 things that give you hope.

  1. The Bible and my faith -- this is entirely obvious, but the purest hope comes from this source, in every aspect of life.
  2. Those moments when God's presence breaks into the world, and you know that He is active in the world. You know those moments, right?
  3. Those perfect days, when the temperature is about 72 and the sky is completely blue. Spring is coming, and you know it on days like that.
  4. Having a real conversation with my son gives me hope that one day he won't be a teenager any more, and he will be capable to real conversaton on a regular basis.
  5. Those moments when you can see the adult hiding inside the child -- in a smile, a look, whatever. These moment give hope that one day the work of raising a child will create a wonderful adult. The glimpses are small, but they do happen.

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