Monday, January 19, 2009

Five Things

From the RevGalBlogPal's Friday Five:

What are 5 things that people should know about you? (or, me, in this case)... I'm choosing five small details on the theory that if you know me, you probably already know the big things.

  1. I liked geometry. I liked genetics. I liked physics. I didn't like chemistry, and I wasn't very patient with English (because I thought it was very subjective and up for interpretation). I like logic puzzles but not cross word puzzles.
  2. I like to make things and enjoy playing with color.
  3. I can build a web page or knit a sock. I can create a newsletter on the computer and I can create jewelry.
  4. I like to watch Bones and House. I don't like reality TV (because I think it is FAR from reality)
  5. I like to read, and I used to always finish a book if I started it. Now, as I've grown older, if I don't like it, I don't finish it, and I don't feel bad about it.



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