Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ortberg, in his book Faith and Doubt tells a story about a group of scientists and God. The scientists decide that they know everything and that they don't need God anymore. They select one from among them to go tell God their conclusions. "God, we can make it on our own. We know everything about life that we need to know. We can duplicate it; we can clone it."

God challenges them to a man-making contest. "Fine," they say.

He tells them that they will do it just like he did in the beginning.

The scientist says, "Sure, no problem." He reaches down and picks up a handful of dirt.

"No," says God. "Get your own dirt."

I think that's one of the reasons that I can believe in God and in evolution. Evolution is not creation. Evolution is change -- it is adaptation. It doesn't start with nothing and create something. Evolution just changes what already is.

Why are there those who do not accept that God has a physical means by which he has shaped the physical world?



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