Thursday, May 29, 2008

Taste of Infinity

This quote arrived in my email today:
One aspect of serving others is listening to the call within to express your gifts—those talents you have that make you feel infinite when you are doing them. When we express those gifts, the Holy Spirit works through us in ways we may never know directly, touching the lives, hearts, and minds of others. (Joanna Bates; Environmental scientist, dancer, and writer)
For a while now I've believed that using the gifts that God has given you in service to his mission in the world will bring joy. It infuses us with a lightness, and brings a satisfaction that is hard to match with anything else.

What I have never compared it to, though, is a feeling of infinity, but I like the comparison. I like the idea that using one's spiritual gifts is an invitation to the Holy Spirit. I like the idea that it makes us feel infinite. There is truth in that. We are infinite beings, made in the image of God. It is perhaps when we use the gifts that he has given us that we feel the closest to him, and become the most aware of our true natures. When we are guided by his gifts in the way we act, then we are beginning to live into the potential with which he has graced us. The spirit comes near.

It is a taste of the Kingdom of God. And when that is our address, we know infinity.

Light the fire
(light the fire)
In my soul
(in my weary soul)
Fan the flame
(fan the flame)
Make me whole
(make my spirit whole)
Lord, You know
(Lord, You know)
Just where I've been
(where I've been)
So light the fire in my heart again (Sonic Flood)



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