Friday, October 12, 2007

What is he being taught?

I worry about my older son. He is a member of our church, and faithfully attends youth group and Sunday worship. He looks forward to it. None of that is why I worry.

He also likes to go friends' youth groups on Wednesday. His friends are members of churches which are what I would call more conservative than our church, in general. I worry that these other churches are more willing to tell him what he should believe than to encourage him to think through his faith and make decisions for himself.

We were driving up to the high school this evening, and he said that the youth group leader at the other church told them that the person that they should be with will be their spiritual leader, and if they are not with that person, God will take the person they are with away and send the right person.

I looked at him more and he explained.

"Like you and Dad. Dad is your spiritual leader,; he mine, too."

My thought, "What are they teaching him?"

So I said, "Who is Dad's spiritual leader?

His reply. "You are. You help each other out and work with each other. It's cool."

Wow. Excellent. Maybe I still do have some influence.



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