Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Do we think that what we see -- that what we believe is in front of us -- is always truth? Do we think that just because we perceive it, then what we remember is always exactly the way it was?

Four images, taken from the same spot, one after another, using four different settings on the camera. The difference is filters and exposure times. The camera changes the image that is saved.

We are the same way. Our perceptions, our history, our memories -- all of those things filter what we see and experience.

If we know that that is true, then how can we say that our beliefs about the world are always right -- is there no room for error, no room for our own influence on what we perceive? I think that we might be better off if we were to open our minds just a little bit to what other people think. We might expand our own filters if we did.



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