Sunday, July 29, 2007

Leadership: Availability

This is the third in a series of six posts about leadership. After introducing the series, I wrote about the first two characteristics that Gilbert and Zoller discuss: loyalty and energy.

The third characteristic that is discussed in the Leadership chapter is Availability.

Leaders say "yes" to God. I think that is what the characteristic of availability boils down to. There are times when God calls us to do something for which we do not feel equipped or which we would rather not do, and yet we turn in obedience to God and say, "I'll do it because you want me to." That's availability.

I also think an available leader is open for ministries of interruption -- unplanned, unanticipated opportunities for service to God. It is difficult to do -- to set aside our own priorities and open ourselves up to hear the call of God in an interruption, and yet that is what we are to do.

I want to tell you about Jim. Jim is an older member of our congregation, but he is involved in almost every aspect of ministry in our church. His gift is one of service, and I've never seen anyone who is better at it. He rarely runs meetings, and when he participates in them, he is often quiet. He moderates his Sunday school class, but more than that, he cares for them. He cares for our entire church. Jim does any number of tasks -- silent work that one may not notice unless it is not done.

He serves in our church, he serves in our community as a volunteer. His days are devoted to living for Christ, and he is always available to do his will.

Jim is a role model in our church for Christ-like living, and I thank God for Jim.

Image: Sunset coming home one day on the interstate.



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