Monday, July 23, 2007

Logos -- Psalm 85

In His Care

Psalm 85

Lord, our God,
Heavenly Father,
You look upon us,
And you smile.
You continually return us
To your arms,
To be greeted as your child.

You forgive our wrongs,
All of them,
Every one of them,
Each of them.
Praise God.

Although anger was your right,
You refused to let it control your actions.
Love is your motivation,
It is who you are.
Forgive us again, Father
Do not leave us,
Do not abandon us
In our sin.

Could you do any differently?
Is it within you to remain angry,
To turn your backs on us?
To forget the names of our children?

Will you revive us again, Lord
And set us to singing?
Remind of us your love
The love you have for us
That never ends.
Sometimes we forget.
Sometimes we don't even recognize it.
There are times when salvation
Seems like a fraud.
Remind us of our rescue,
Help us to remember.

I'm listening, God,
I'm trying to hear you.
Empty my ears of distractions
And let me hear your voice.

You will speak of peace
You will speak of faithfulness
You will remind us of loyalty.

I cannot even imagine a world
In which your salvation were not present.
It would be dark,
It would be darkness unending.
Instead, you shine your light,
And glory dwells among us.

Your unending love will meet
Your rightousness and peace
in a holy kiss.

Faithfulness will be so common
that it will spring up from the ground
Like summer grass.
Nourished by righteousness,
shining down from the sky.

All blessings will come from God
And we will know gifts unspeakable.
Holiness will walk before God
clearing a path in our world.

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