Monday, August 19, 2024

May God's Good Work be Known

The sun rises.
My heart rises in gratitude for the goodness of the Lord
May the congregation sing praises,
May God's good work be known.

God's work is full of wonder and divinity
God's goodness endures forever
Echoing through creation,
in the lives of all who know God.
God is gracious and merciful.

We open our hands for our daily bread,
We rejoice in promises kept
and witness steadfast loyalty.
We sing of God's powerful deeds,
and proclaim God's legacy across time.

What God does is faithful and just,
his law is trustworthy
through all the ages.

God redeemed the people,
commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is God.

Do you hear these words?
Do you fear the Lord?
Here is the beginning of wisdom;
here is the start of understanding.
Our song of praise lasts forever.

Inspired by Psalm 111


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