Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Book Review: The Language of God

 Information about the book

Collins, Francis S.  The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.  Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York. 2006.  Amazon

Dr. Francis Collins was the head of the Human Genome Project, and is a world-leading scientist.  He is also a person of faith.  From the back cover of the book: "Dr. Collins believes that faith in God and faith in science can coexist within a person and be harmonious.  In The Language of God he makes his case for God and for science."

As a person who worked for 20 years in medical research and who has a Masters degree in biology, and as a person who now works in a religiously affiliated nonprofit, the subject of this book was very interesting to me.  In addition, I have registered for the course called Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth.  This book is written by the host of the course, so I thought it would be an excellent companion book to read.

I found the book to be engaging - it was easy to want to continue reading. Dr. Collins discusses his own faith journey, questions regarding human existence, and then writes about atheism, agnosticism, creationism, intelligent design, and biologos in a way that helps the reader to evaluate each in light of their scientific truth and their spiritual truth. His thesis is that one can see science as an expression of God's creativity, and can therefore accept the truth of science and be a person of faith.

I enjoyed the book, and would recommend it.

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