Monday, July 29, 2024

Lord of the Dance


I was watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1.  There is a scene in the movie where Harry and Hermione are alone in the tent.  They are sad and afraid, and I think to make them forget their worries for a few minutes, Harry leads Hermione into a spontaneous dance. It’s a sweet scene between friends as they step (dance) away from what haunts them for just a few moments. As I watch it, I always wonder how they know how to dance together. Harry twirls Hermione, and she know which way to spin.

I wonder that because I’ve had an experience a little like that on an Emmaus walk. There is a time after dinner when everyone celebrates all that has happened so far. Sometimes, on some walks, team members will dance with pilgrims or other team members.  I was a team member, and one of the servers put out his hand to dance. I accepted, but I was terrible - I don’t know how to follow, and I certainly didn’t know how to twirl - in which direction - like Hermione did. 

And yet I follow the Lord of the Dance. How do I do that when I don’t even know how to follow? Maybe that is one of the ways I AM to follow. The Lord of the Dance knows how to lead and how to help me to know how to follow. Even when I twirl the wrong way or step on my own feet. He IS the Lord of the Dance. 



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