Tuesday, January 07, 2020

People vs Possessions

I was looking at Instagram today, and saw that a person I follow had posted images of a Bible study she was doing.  In it, the author wrote, "God has made a pronouncement: 'I will be your God; you will be my possession.'"

I bristled at the word possession.  I have always heard the quote as "I will be your God; you will be my people."  I wondered what translation the author had used.  I wondered what the reference was, so I goggled it.  Isn't that what every searching theologian does?  

I found this link.  It's the first one that appeared on the list.

Interestingly, this page lists many references to the same pronouncement.  In some of them, the word is people.  In others it is "treasured possession."  

So, it makes me wonder why the original author chose a version that uses the word possession (without the treasured part) instead of people. And why does it bother me?

To me, a possession is an object.  We bristle - we fight - against the idea that people are possessions.  It harks back to the idea of people owning other people.  Slavery.  Forced ownership.  

I don't think that is what these passages are about.  I think we are God's people.  God has chosen us, but not in a way that implies we have no choice in the matter.  And not in a way that implies that God sees us as objects.  God, I believe, sees us as children.  Beloved.  Not possessions.

What do you think?



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