Monday, November 13, 2017

Where I've been

I'm sorry to have been AWOL so long. I had anticipated being away from the blog for a couple of weeks, but those two weeks stretched into four. I'm back now, and I hope to stay back for a while.

 I thought I would start with telling you where I've been. In the middle of October, I went to Chicago for almost a week for software training. I had never been to downtown Chicago before - interesting city - the hotel where I stayed was right on the river. It's as if the city said, "Yes, we know there is a river - we're just going to build as if it isn't there.

 The week after that, Steve and I went to Denver for the national meeting of United Methodist Foundations. I've been to Denver before, but it was great to experience it (and the Rocky Mountains) with Steve. The last day we took a bus into the Rocking Mountain National Park. We climbed to over 9000 feet above sea level. It had snowed on Thursday to the road that goes to 2 miles high was closed, but still - it was a great trip.

 The next week we were in full out planning mode for Josh's senior trumpet recital and the reception that followed. I had thought to hire a caterer, but time slipped away from us, so Steve and I (with the help of Josh's girlfriend) planned and implemented the event ourselves. The recital was wonderful, and I think the 75 or so people who stayed for the reception enjoyed the time together. Who knew college kids loved meatballs so much?

 The same week we were planning the reception, a new person started working on the Foundation staff. It's been wonderful to let go of some of the things I have had to do in the absence of our financial person and let her start doing them. Life never really calms down, and that is OK, but I feel as if it will be returning to normal soon.



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