Thursday, April 03, 2014

This is what I believe

As part of Walk to Emmaus team meetings, speakers preview their talks.  I was listening to a Talk Preview about the Means of Grace, and the speaker (a pastor) described Confirmation as someone saying, "This is what I believe, and I want to live out my belief."

I thought that was a wonderful phrase to use to illustrate what confirmation means.  I wonder if we carry that statement with us throughout life, even after the passion of our confirmation.  "This is what I believe, and I want to live out my belief."

Do we remember what we believe?  Do we remember that God is God, and does that make a difference in our lives?  Do we remember that God is involved in God's creation?

Do we pray?  Do we connect with God?  Do we place our faith into action by reaching out to the poor, the outcast?  Do we bring God to other people?

Do we remember what we believe, every day, and do we life out our belief, every day?

Would someone watching us know what we believe by what we do in our lives?

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