Monday, October 08, 2012


Our neighbors' flowers
The devotional I read today from Daily Feast:  Meditations from Feasting on the Word calls for the reader to reflect on this statement:
Speaking the darkness of faith is a daring, and faithful, act.  (J.S. Randolph Harris)
The devotional also quotes Paul E. Capetz:
Paradoxically, even a loss of faith may reflect a more genuine engagement wtih God than a faith that refuses to allow itself to be so tested.
What is your reaction to those two statements?

I think sometimes some of us hold so tightly to what we believe to be true that we become afraid to question it.   What does that fear stem from?  Is it a product of uncertainty?  Do we believe that what we hold to be true might not stand up to questioning?  Is it a product of teaching?  Have we been taught that to question what we have been told is wrong?  That God would disapprove of doubt?

I think God is strong enough, and I hope my faith is strong enough, to stand up to questions.  I think the end product of doubt and darkness and questions can only be a deepening of my faith.  To think otherwise -- to guard against questions -- seems to show a lack of faith, to me.



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