Sunday, September 23, 2012

He takes away

At the Emmaus Gathering on Friday, we sang the song Blessed be Your Name."  It's a song that Matt Redman sings.  I like it alot, and enjoyed singing it, until we got to the bridge.  The bridge has always bothered me.

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name

"You give and take away."  I've never liked that line.  It reminds of of some people's belief that God brings pain and suffering to us -- he takes away.  So as we would get to that line, I would stop singing.

But last night, as I was listening, I was thinking.  Can I trust God?  Can I trust that if he takes something away, it is in my best interest?  That he doesn't take away to cause pain?  Can I believe what I've told people is my belief?

And then I started singing.  And as I kept singing, I thought of all the things God does take away.  He takes away sin, pain, hatred. He takes away those things that keep us apart.  He takes away our unbelief.  He takes away our fears, if we will let him.

You give and take away.
You give and take away.
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be your name.




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