Wednesday, March 07, 2012


I am (slowly, with enjoyment) reading Tikva Frymer-Kensky's book Reading the Women of the Bible: A New Interpretation of Their Stories.  The chapter I'm reading now is about Ruth. 
Ruth gets a "coincidence," miqreh, a serendipituos happening that makes one wonder about casuality.
Ruth's miqreh is that the field she chooses belongs to Naomi's relative, Boaz.  Imagine the story of Ruth if that hadn't happened.

What are the miqreh's in your life?  What "coincidences" have happened to you or around you that make you say, "Was that God?"  I think it takes faith to answer the question, "yes."  I believe that when we grant ourselves the permission of faith to answer the question, "What that God?" with an affirmative YES, then we begin to see the work of God. 

God is with us, working with us, loving us, moving around us, and we will see these perhaps daily miqreh's if we will open eyes of faith.



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