Tuesday, March 06, 2012


I'm looking at some "call" passages in Hebrew Bible.  A few thoughts from Moses:
  • The notes in my Interpreter's Bible suggest that the fact that Moses didn't recognize God in the fire (burning bush) means that Moses did not know God.  I'm not sure I agree with that. I do think that even though we know God, we can look right at evidence of his presence and not see him.
  • God promises shared risk, but not success.  Isn't that interesting?  What was God risking?  Failure of the plan through human involvement?
  • God's name, as given to Moses on the mountain, is a verb.  Names usually aren't verbs, but it is noticable that God's name is a verb.   Can we go the step further to say that we know God through what he does?  Has done?  I think so.
  • Is God's first task in this work of redeming Israel to convince Moses?  To demonstrate to Moses who he is before he shows Israel who he is?  The snake, the leprous hand -- are they signs to convince Moses?



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