Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sixth Anniversary

I was doing some calendar work today and noticed that yesterday was the 6th Anniversary of my first post to this blog. 

Much has changed since then.  I have a different career -- not just a different position in the same field, but a whole different field of work.  My boys, who were 12 and 9 then, are now 18 and 15.  One of them is in college and the other one will be driving soon. 

When I started the blog, I had just been on an Emmaus walk; now I have been on 7 teams, served as a Walk Lay Director and am just finishing up a term as Community Lay Director. 

The blog has changed.  In the beginning, I wrote more poetry, longer posts, and used more images.  I never missed a day, and would sometimes post more than once.  I thought more about the blog, had more time to take pictures and saw more metaphors for ideas.  I probably read more back then, and during the earlier years of the blog, taught more.  All of that gave me more blog fodder than I have now.  I've been working to intentionally do more reading; that always gives me more to say.

Thank you for reading.  Thank you for commenting.  Blessings to you!

(By the way, I failed to mention the source of the devotional I quoted yesterday.  It was from the Advent devotional program of the First Presbyterian Church of San Bernadino, California.  Like my own church, the members of this church write and distribute devotional readings.  The author of that particular devotional was Dana Babb.)



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