Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thursday's devotional this week in the Upper Room Discplines book, contains the following quote (by Paul L. Escamilla:
"Ascending" to retreat, or in some other context, is a practice of both heightened expectation and surrender of expectation.  For two things, above all, are true when God's people gather in devotion:  God will grant mercy, and we know not how.
Anticipation.  Expectation.  When one goes on a Walk to Emmaus, one is advised "not to anticipate."  I've watched as participants feel that there expectations are not being met during the walk.  They have anticipated what their reaction will be, what will happen, etc, and they are disappointed.  Until God breaks through their anticipation with his grace.

How often do we do that?  How often are we surprised by God because we haven't anticipated what he will do?  Sometimes, I think, the surprise is grace in and of itself.  We just can't guess or understand how he will work in our lives. 

I like this quote, because I think it is good advice for how to live in relationship with God.  Expect his mercy, and realize that you can't anticipate how it will arrive.  Thanks be to God.

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