Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trail Magic

First of all, I'm typing this using my iPad and Blogger. I couldn't do that before, so I suppose the upgrade to Blogger has made it workable on the iPad. That is, unless, when I press publish, this post disappears. That would be a bummer.

J.F. Lacaria, the Director of Connectional Ministries for our Annual Conference, has started a new blog. I encourage you to take a look at Blazes and Cairns. (http://blazesandcairns.wordpress.com/2011/09/24/four-peaches-and-a-ten-dollar-bill/).

OK, I can't figure out how to do links on the iPad. I figure it out sooner or later.

Anyway, J.F.'s latest post is about trail magic -- unexpected gifts found along the trail for hikers on the Appalachian Trail. Bottles of water or a bag of peaches. They are unearned, unexpected, pockets of magic along the trail.We wouldn't call them magic, though. We would call them agape. unexpected, unearned love, given from one person to another.

Think about leaving agape on the trail. When was the last time you discovered a way to keep someone warm, fed? When was the last time someone realized that God loved him or her because of something you have done. These are good questions I should ask myself each day.



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