Monday, September 19, 2011

Eagles in flight

During our meeting last week, a deacon told a story about mother eagles.  She said that the legend is that the mother eagle will pick up the young eagle, who has not yet flown, and carry it high into the sky.  She lets go, and the eagle falls, struggling to do something he has never done -- to fly.  Instead, he mainly falls, so as he approaches the ground, she picks him up on her wings and carries him high again, repeating the process until he learns to fly. 

She is never far from the young eagle, and she never lets him strike the ground.

Think back to how Judges has been explained to you.  In this book, the people of Israel start out obeying God, but eventually, they forget God, and they give up their faith.  This leads to problems, so God raises up a judge -- a leader -- who rescues them.  They return to their faith, and try again.  The cycle is repeated over and over.

Perhaps the two patterns have many similarities?



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