Tuesday, August 02, 2011


We visited with a potential donor couple today who would like to start a scholarship.  She told us that it was God's money and that she prayed for the wisdom to do with it what God wanted done.  She said if he wanted it to grow, it would grow.

I've thought about that.  I hope that if she placed it at the Foundation, it will grow in value.  If they create a trust to fund a scholarship, then the scholarships will help the recipients to grow in knowledge and wisdom.

If we are a church, and we pray for wisdom for what to do, and act in obedience, then if God wants the church to grow, it will grow.  The people we reach will grow.  We will make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Our gifts and talents belong to God.  We pray for wisdom to use them.  If God wants our ministry to grow, it will grow.

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