Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coming to the party?

Do you remember the parable about the great banquet?  It's in Luke 14:15-24.  Someone gave a great dinner and invited several guests.  None of them would join him; each of them gave excuses.  Frustrated, the man sent his slave to gather those in the streets to come to the meal.

We talked about this parable in class today.  There were many thoughts that arose from it.  As we discussed it, I wondered about a possible parallel.  (I know this probably stretches the parable uncomfortably beyond its meaning).

Imagine God as the one throwing the party.  He invites us to do the work of the kingdom -- work that must be done.  He offers us the opportunity to do it, but we refuse, giving all kinds of excuses.  The work must be done, and if we won't do it, others will be invited to the party.  Because of our unwillingness, others live in the joy of serving God, and we left outside of God's will.



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