Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hands On Learning

At Rotary on Monday, a gentleman from The Mountain Institute spoke about their project at Spruce Knob. Part of what they do is to bring students to the center for learning activities. His theory is that when kids experience learning through hands on experience, they remember it more. They take ownership of what they are doing.

As I thought back to my time in college, I do remember the times out in the field. I remember collecting samples for botany, testing stream water for factors such as pH and temperature, and doing kick samples for aquatic "bugs."

When I worked in the lab and taught "fellows," I would give them a step by step procedure and then explain the theory of it. We would then walk through it, with me doing the work. The next time, the fellow would take the lead, with me watching. After that, the fellow did the work with me just in the room for questions. Hands on, creating ownership.

It makes me wonder if we teach our children enough through experience. Do we lead then through service projects? Do we put them in teaching roles with younger children? Do we teach them about worship by letting them lead it? Do our kids and youth get enough "hands on" Christian Education?



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