Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Radical New Beginnings

I picked up a copy of Weavings today. The theme of this issue is "Where is Your God?" I found the introduction to the issue to be especially well written, and was struck by a phrase early in the piece: "radically new beginnings."

Radical, according to, "marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional" or "extreme." New beginnings in God are radical -- they are extreme, a considerable departure from what we are used to.

Is it any wonder that sometimes we fail to see God, to find God, to follow God? His work in our lives is radical. Is it possible that there are times when we don't see him because what he is doing in our lives is too radical for us to see it? Is his work so unexpected that our eyes aren't trained to notice it?

Two people walked down a road after the crucifixion, mourning the death of their friend, Jesus of Nazareth. A man joined them on their walk, and they poured out their hearts and stories to this stranger. Neither one of them expected the radical new beginning of a Christ, resurrected. Could this be the reason they didn't recognize him as he walked with them?



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