Saturday, September 26, 2009

Three things

I attended an Emmaus walk team meeting today. I picked up three snippets of conversation that I wanted to pack up and take home with me:
  1. When speaking about baptism, one of the assistant spiritual directors said that Martin Luther, when speaking of his baptism, didn't dwell on how old he was or the technique that was used. He was say, "I AM baptized." I like that. It's immediate; it's today. It has the words I AM in it, showing the like to God. It is a confident state of belonging to God. I AM baptized.
  2. One of the speakers said in her talk, "I know how to love, because I am loved." Amen.
  3. Joking with another team member, someone said, in order to determine honesty, "Would you tell that to Jesus?" I'm going to use that with my son.



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