Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Never giving up

Think about an artist, creating a work of art. He works constantly, putting all of his effort into his creation, struggling with the artistic process. Would he stop his work in the middle, before he is near completion, in frustration because the half finished work isn't what he imagined it would become, even though he knows he still has work to do?

No, he wouldn't, because that doesn't make any sense.

Think about a parent. She devotes years to the raising of a child, dreaming for that child, loving that child. Sure, there are frustrations and set backs, but can you imagine that she would throw up her hands when the child is 10 years old, giving up, because he is not yet an adult?

No, of course not.

You were here before me, you were waiting on me
And you said you keep me, never would you leave me
I was made to love, and be loved by you.
I've heard people talk about ignoring what God wants them to do, or saying "no" to a call. Once we finally say "yes," are we surprised that God has hung around, and kept asking? I think sometimes we are, but maybe we shouldn't be.

God knows who we are, better than we do. He knows where we are on our journey, much better than we do. He's transforming us, changing us, making us better, making us more like him. Would he give up on that, just because he hasn't finished yet?

I don't think so.

God has chased us with grace, caught up with us, and is walking with us, walking in front of us, leading us and surrounding us with grace. We're moving to where he wants us to be. Would he give up? No.

I was made to love you, I was made to find you
I was made to find you, made to adore you
I was made to love, and be loved by you.
Lyrics by Toby Mac
Image: Sunset at Myrtle Beach



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