Sunday, August 30, 2009

Clear Vison

One more post (maybe) rooted in James.

Lueking wrote in Disciplines this week:

Faithful doing of the word comes from seeing, really seeing, in others with needs of every kind none other than Jesus himself...Doing because of seeing is blessed beyond words.
A friend of mine consistently asked for prayer to clear vision. It seems simple, but it is a dangerous prayer. It is a risking thing to ask for yourself or for someone else. Clear vision.
  • To see what God wants for your life
  • To see one's own sin
  • To see Jesus himself in the needs of someone else
  • To see God's will as more important than your own.
  • To see God's will AS your own.
Clear vision. It's a dangerous, risking prayer that can lead -- probably will lead -- to action. According to the quote above, it is the source of faithful doing of the word.

Perhaps James is implying that clear vision leads to "religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father."

And we can take joy and comfort in the rest of Lueking's quote: doing because of seeing is blessed beyond words.

And I could greatly paraphrase is to say, "Seeing because of our blessings from God results in doing beyond words."

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