Friday, May 02, 2008


We took our youth group on retreat this weekend (and yes, I'm backdating a couple of posts -- the retreat center has no cell phone service and certainly no internet).

Why take youth on a retreat? What will they learn? I hope that they learn, if only in a subconscious level:

  • When the youth are feeling far from
    God, I hope that they realize that sometimes it is necessary to take the time to dedicate to God. It's important.
  • When they do their morning watch, I hope they learn that to study and to think about God's word is to invite him into your life.
  • I hope that when we tell them that church members are praying for them, and when we ask them to pray for other people, that they come to an understanding that church members support each other in prayer (as well as in more tangible ways).
  • I hope they learn that spending time with friends who believe as they do can be as if they are planted close to a stream, near other Christians. We draw strength from each other. We draw strength from God through each other.
  • Time spent with God can be fun; can be fellowship. It is something to look forward to.

Image: Window in the cabin, looking outward.



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