Friday, May 16, 2008

Never Underestimate the Power of God

Have you ever been underestimated? Have you ever been in a situation where the person who was talking to or about you gave you less credit than was probably wise? A few days ago, it happened to me. It created an awkward situation, because I really wanted to stand up and say, "You don't know me. Don't underestimate me."

Do you think God ever want to stand up and say, "You don't know me -- you couldn't possibly know me, because you are underestimating me."

At the Emmaus gathering tonight, the Fourth Day speaker read a passage from a book called "Jesus Drives me Crazy." The book said that Christians are nuts -- they never underestimate the spirit.

Trusting God, believing that he will keep his promises, and understanding that to him the impossible doesn't exist, comes from knowing him. A closeness to God will bring with it, by necessity, the inability to underestimate him.

When we are able to trust him, then I think we are able to experience the power of God.



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