Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On the Loose

I was serving as a prayer host last weekend. We have a 40 Hour Prayer Vigil at our church from Good Friday until Easter morning. During half of that time, the church is open for prayer. So that no one feels the loneliness of an empty church, we recruit prayer hosts. These volunteers spend time in the church parlor, reading, snacking, enjoying the calm of a quiet place, while the pray-ers spend time in the chapel.

Since it is me, and since our church has wireless Internet signal, I was reading blogs as I served as a host. I found the following quote on Songbird's Reflectionary blog.
Walter Brueggemann says, 'Life is on the loose and cannot be restrained."
I added that to my Google Notebook for my own blog ideas, along with the question, "What does that mean?"
What does it mean that life is on the loose and cannot be restrained?

  • We talking tonight in class about God's ultimate will. He has a goal for his children, and despite our sin and mistakes, and even through them, he will not be stopped.
  • True life, lived in Christ, is loving. Love is on the loose and cannot be restrained is a wonderful vision of the church. We should strive to become unrestrained love in the world.
  • Even death could not stop Christ. He is on the loose, and what we think is the most powerful, inevitable force in the world could not stop him.
Image: Tulips from our Easter garden at church.



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