Sunday, February 03, 2008

Reflections of grace

Tonight was the annual Super Bowl party for our Sunday school class. Steve and I went over and stayed for about a quarter of the game. I was talking to a member of our class about Jim -- I've mentioned Jim before in the past couple of weeks. Jim passed away last Tuesday.

His life was service -- taking care of people. There was a time during the funeral for people in the santuary to stand up to to tell us what Jim had meant to their lives. A few people did, and then Ray and Jim, two bus drivers in town, stood up and gave testimony to the influence that Jim had had on their lives.

As we were talking about him , Patrice said the whole thing has made her think of people differently. She looks at the mailman differently, the store clerk differently. You never know who you might be influencing.

That's true. God doesn't always show us how we are influencing people. He just calls us to be graceful and to serve others. When we do, our lives become reflections of his grace, just as Jim's was.



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