Tuesday, May 29, 2007


One of the lectionary readings for this week is Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. It's a good passage -- it you have the time, go read it. Take a look at this verse (22):
The LORD created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago.

This passage is about wisdom, and it paints a picture of wisdom, created by God, living with God, learning from God. Think about that. Think for a moment of the image of wisdom learning from God, along side of God.

Doesn't that image create in your mind a wonderful characterization of God -- a God so wise, so powerful, that he can teach Wisdom how to be wise? Why is it that we, who are his children, fail to trust him?

Who do we learn from? We do we stand beside? Is it God? Do we take the same lessons that he granted to Wisdom? Or do we stand beside other teachers, ignore the God who loves us, and who taught Wisdom herself how to be wise?

And do we realize that we have access to this God? Do we remember that the Spirit of God inhabits us -- lives with us -- and makes accessible to us all that Wisdom has to offer -- all that God has to offer?

Sounds to me like we could stand to 'wise up!'

Images: from the VA hill. I have no idea what those plants are.



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