Friday, June 08, 2007

Holding up our hands

The worship service this evening at Annual Conference was a Memorial service. Candles were lit for clergy or spouse of clergy who had died this year. It was a very solemn, wonderful service. As each name was read, a family member came to the altar, escorted by a District Superintendent. The family member lit the candle, and anyone in the congregation whose life had "been touched in some way" by the person who had died was invited to stand in support. It was with honor that we were able to stand as a candle for Dick was lit, and to stand for our church as a candle for Dr. Wallace was lit.

The sermon this evening was delivered by Dr. Ellis Conley. He's a wonderful preacher. The scripture for the message was Philipians 1:3-7. He also used a story in Exodus 17. In this scripture, the Israelites were battling the Amalekites. Moses stood on a mountain, where everyone could see him. As long as his hands were raised, the Israelites were winning. As he grew tired, and his arms drooped, they began to loose the battle. Aaron and Hur worked to assist him and held arms up. (Verse 12)
When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.
Dr. Conley asked us to remember and think about those who hold up our arms. Who are those people who have supported up; who hold up our hands -- even when we aren't even aware that someone is helping us.

I thought about listing all of those who have held up my arms in support, when I was weary or discouraged. I decided no to do that; I would inevitabily leave someeone important off the list. But think about that question. Who in your life has worked to hold up your arms when you were not able to?Images: First is the altar for the memorial service this evening. The middle picture is the altar the morning service. Thirdly, is the gorgeous sunset.



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