Friday, April 13, 2007

To love and to serve

What is servant leadership? We’ve all heard the term, and we probably agree that it is a good thing, but what is it? And what is it not?

To me, servant leadership is not:

  • Leadership in the same style that one would usually find in a work or business environment. Business leadership is about motivating those whom you are leading to achieve more – produce more – contribute more to the goals set by the leadership of the organization.
  • Leadership which places personal achievement at a premium.
  • Leadership which in which a heirachary is established, so that those at the top of the “pyramid” are more important than those “under them."
But what is servant leadership?

I was watching the Today Show this morning, and a guest told Matt Lauer, quoting a religion professor, something close to “to lead, one must love well. To save, one must serve well. So to be a good leader, examine your love and service.

Love and service placed at a premium. Personal achievement is not important to a servant leader, and the priority is placed on God. The priority is placed on the other person – Love God and love each other.

Servant leadership is picking up the towel.

Image: Cross in yard of First United Methodist Church, Ashland



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