Monday, April 30, 2007

Holy Ground

Think back to Moses and the burning bush. That's right -- way back -- Exodus 3:1-6. Moses is working, keeping the flock safe for his father-in-law. All of a sudden, he sees a bush on fire, but the bush is not consumed.

Can't you imagine Moses? The NRSV says, "Then Moses said, "I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up." (verse 3). He's working, minding the sheep, and sees something fantastic. "I must turn aside..."

Then the scripture says, "When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see..." I think that's interesting -- God waited until he had Moses' attention and then he called to Moses. Once Moses answered, God said, "Come no closer. Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing his holy ground."

Do you ever feel as if you are standing on Holy Ground?

How do we know?

Those are good questions, but maybe they are not the right questions to be asking. Could it be that we are ALWAYS standing on Holy Ground?

For class this Wednesday, I'm reading chpters 12 and 13 of Yancey's Grace book. He's talking about the cleanliness/uncleanliness standards in the Old Testament, and he says,

I sense in Jesus' approach a fulfillment, not an abolition, of the Old Testament laws. God had "hallowed" creation by separating the sacred from the profane, the clean from the unclean. Jesus did not cancel out the hallowing principle, rather he changed its source. We ourselves can be agents of God's holiness, for God now dwells within us.
We can be a source of holiness.

If that is so, and if God is with us always, then all ground is holy. If it is God that makes us holy, then this ground, where I sit right now, is Holy Ground.

There is a quote, and if anyone knows it exactly, leave it in the comments, please. I can't find it right now. It's something like, "There are burning bushes all around. Some of us see them, and the rest of us sit around, picking daisies." I've destroyed that quote -- it's not at all right -- but you get the meaning. If God is with us, then he is WITH us. It's just that sometimes we ignore him, picking daisies.

This ground is Holy. Take off your shoes and wiggle your toes.

In his presence there is joy beyond measure
And at his feet peace of mind can still be found
If you have a need, I know He has the answer
Reach out and claim it for we are standing
On holy ground

We are standing on holy ground
And I know there are angels all around
Let us praise, Jesus now
We we are standing in his presence
On holy ground
Song at end: Holy Ground -- Words and Music By Christopher Beatty and Geron Davis
Image: Sunset at track meet this evening.

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