Common prayer

How do you feel about liturgical prayer? I've spoken to people who call the prayer we do in unison in worship "a script" for a "show." Do you feel that way about it? Do you believe this prayer has any power?
What about "pre-prepared" prayer -- prayers in a common worship book or prayer written by someone else to be prayed by us? How do you feel about those?
I see possibilities for grace to enter our lives through all of these.
- I think that the spirit can move through a congregation when they pray the same prayer, in unison. There is something special about the unity that can be felt when a group of people pray the same prayer. It can be liturgy written by someone in a congregation, or it can prayers written by someone long ago. Do you feel continuity with Christians from the past when you prayer the Lord's Prayer -- prayed by Christians for hundreds of years?
- When the prayer is written well, or when God transforms it for us, do you feel the "Amen?" Do you want to say, "Yes! That's
exactly what I wanted to say."
- One of the most personally effective uses I have found for pre-written prayers is to create in myself an attitude of prayer. Have you ever heard of prayer beads? I've found them on the web over 1 1/2 years ago on the site Full Circle Beads. Using the information on that web page, I made myself a set of them. The design of the beads matches the prayers that go with them. If find the use of the repeated prayer to be a great way to leave behind the rush of the world and to draw up a chair with God.
I received the very special gift of a new set of prayer beads today. They are beautiful, and I will always treasure them. The beads have a tactile quality and a weight that makes them special.
Images: Last Friday, when we took J to his skating party. The two pictures in the post are of the sky -- same sky -- one ot the West which shows a fansastic sunset. Turn around the other way, and see a rainbow.
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