A Gathering to Worship

as the community gathered.
Some recognizable faces,
Some never seen before.
Dressed all in red,
a group of youth,
beginning a tour to minister
in youth detention facilities.
Worship began in song.
Those gathered sang of their love of God
I love You Lord
and I lift my voice
To worship You
O my soul, rejoice!
Take joy, my King
in what you hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound
in Your ear.
The last time through the song,
God walked into the room,
sat down in a pew,
and surrounded His children.
Concerns and celebrations were shared.
A child with cancer,
A husband beginning treatment,
A baby with leukemia,
A brother-in-law having surgery,
A friend fighting for her life,
Youth attempting to pierce the darkness
with God's Word.
Many more prayer requests than could be remembered,
but God heard them all.
Prayer was offered,
and the minister who prayed,
pointed to God,
and reminded us that God was with us,
that He had set aside everything,
to listen,
to comfort,
and to work in our lives.
A simple man,
just like us,
stood to share his journey.
He spoke of faith,
He spoke of God's ability and williness
to provide for every need.
He told of his experience,
living a life of faith.
His love of his wife,
His faith in God,
shown from his face,
through tears fought back,
through his laughter,
His words were painted with the knowledge
that God was all that he needed.
His words were a joyful celebration
of faith,
gained through struggle,
but sweet in its certainty.
Communion was shared.
The shepherd who ministers to this flock,
proved that God is not the only one who listens.
This smart man listens to those who speak,
listens to God,
and speaks as God directs him.
His words were a blessing.
Just do it.
Step out in faith.
Say yes when asked by God.
He pointed to God and said,
"God is all we need."
Communion was full of tradition,
of signs of community.
A comfort,
touched by God,
offered to God
offered by God.
Thanks be to God.
Credit: Song lyrics by Laurie Klein (click here to read about the song)
Image: Photo taken on the way home yesterday. The sun is behind the tree. Can you see the beginning of the rainbow in the clouds near the bottom of the picture? It wasn't raining.
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