Holy Week Meme

- What do you do with your new blessed palm from Palm Sunday? I'm not sure what a "blessed" palm is. We do use palms in our church. I walked into the Sanctuary on Friday, and it has been "decorated" with palms. They are lining the main aisle, high up in the candle holders. Vases of palm branches are near the altar -- I know I'm missing some. Our children's choir is singing tomorrow, and they traditionally carry palms during the processional. I think, if memory serves, the congregation receives palms as well. I usually end up taking it home, but it quickly dies. It probably won't last until Easter, but I'll more than likely put in on the hearth (unless the dog tries to eat it.)
- What do you do with your old one from last year? See answer to question above. We have in the past received crosses made of dried palm leaves, but I don't do anything specifically with it.
- What do you do during Holy Week in preparation for Good Friday? The committee of which I am chairman sponsors a Lenten devotional. Each evening I'll be preparing a devotional for email distribution to our subscribers. I'll continue my reading through the Bible -- Jeremiah. And I'll make one last push on my personal Lenten commitment. Our church is having a Maundy Thursday meal, planned to be similar to Christ's last Passover meal. We would attend that service, but G has a -- you guessed it -- track meet.
- How do you commemorate Christ’s Passion on Good Friday? We have a new project at church -- a Lenten Prayer Vigil. I'll spend a little time on Good Friday preparing the chapel for those who are coming into the church to pray. I'm toying with the idea of what to do during lunch. I'm planning on setting aside some time that day to pray for the prayer vigil.
- When do you color Easter eggs? The boys love to color eggs, and we enjoy spending the time with them "helping" (mainly helping to keep the dye off the countertops, floors and kitchen table). Sadly, we don't find the time to do this every year. I have a feeling that we'll miss it this year, too, with G's track meet schedule. There are sometimes not enough hours in the day.
- When do you buy Easter candy? Next week, I guess, for the boys' Easter baskets.
- What is the first thing you plan to do Easter morning? My time for the prayer vigil is 5-6am on Easter morning, so that will be the first thing that I do. I've done a couple of prayer vigils with Chrysalis (the Emmaus walk for teens), and I always seem to pick this time period. The times I've committed to for the upcoming Emmaus walks are 5:30-6:00am. It's really quiet in our house at that time, so I have privacy and -- well -- quiet, which isn't the case most of the time. I've never started Easter this way before, but I think it will be nice. I'm kind of looking forward to praying our church out of Lent before handing it off to the last prayer vigil participant, Scott, who will pray us into Easter.
Clip art from Hermanolean.org
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