Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Breaking Out

Why would it have been difficult to break out of the Aristotelian view of the universe? Can you think of any contemporary parallels?

Aristotle believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe. He described elegant spheres in a geocentric model where every component was perfect and unchanging with uniform motion. By the time the model was questioned and Copernicus’ model of sun-centric system was proposed, the Aristotle model had been accepted by both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church.

I think this offers three reasons why it would have been difficult to break out of the Aristotelian view of the universe. First, we, as humans, are often satisfied (and even look for) systems that place us at the center. We want to be the most important; we want to be what everything else revolves around. Secondly, the idea of a perfect, elegant system means that we don’t need to make changes – in fact, we cannot make changes, and we like the comfort of that. Thirdly, it is hard to break away from a theory that is accepted by steadfast organizations like the church. Disagreement puts us on the outside of what is accepted.
This might be a stretch, but I think Christian Nationalism is a contemporary parallel. First, it places our own country at the center of not only the world, but also in the center of God’s love. Nationalism says that we are more accepted and loved by God – blessed by God beyond what other countries are. We are the most important in God’s eyes, and we place our country above our faith – our “centeredness” above our Christianity. We build the faith in the image we want it to be. Secondly, it creates a universe in which we as patriotic Christians are the best. To criticize those who are patriotic or to say another group might be better is rejected.  Thirdly, it’s hard to reject a belief when you are in the middle of it, because you are not only rejecting the nation but also the God that is part of the Christian National model. It makes you feel disloyal – to the God you have created and to the country you love.




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