Monday, July 15, 2024


Last night, while scrolling through Facebook, I encountered a video of a model of the human knee, with all of its bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments moving as the knee bent and straightened. I showed it to Steve, who thought, as I did, that it was amazing.  I said, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made."  Have you ever seen the workings of a knee? I was astounded at how complicated it is.

Today I'm reading the introduction to the book The Language of God by Francis S. Collins.  Dr. Francis Collins was the head of the Human Genome Project.  In the introduction to this book, he wrote, "A live reading of [the DNA code of our species] at a rate of three letters per second would take thirty-one years....Printing these letters out in regular font on a normal bond paper and binding them all together would result in a tower the height of the Washington Monument."

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. In the intricacies and beauty of our being is a system that is so complicated that we only understand it a somewhat - and that is after centuries of study. We are complicated.

We are complicated, and we take that for granted. We are rarely astounded by it. We think things are simple and easy to explain, while our very essence is complexity.

Whatever it is, whatever you are trying to explain or understand, if you think it is simple, you haven't explored it enough or thought about it with the fullest amount of attention. Perhaps you are biased or misinformed. We are complicated. Life is complicated.
Glory be to God.



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