Monday, May 13, 2024


One of the lectionary readings for last Sunday was Acts 1:15-17. and 21-26.  In the passage, Peter is standing among the believers, talking.  He tells them the scripture has been fulfilled in what Judas did, and that now it is time to choose another Apostle.  He lists two men: Barsabbas and Matthias.  They prayed and then they cast lots.  Matthias was chosen.

Last June, the Annual Conference voted on one more lay delegate to be part of our Jurisdictional delegation and to be a reserve delegate for General Conference. It's done by a majority vote - there were more than five - maybe eight - lay people nominated, including me.  A majority vote means that the person chosen has to have at least half plus one of the votes cast in order for the voting to stop.  We just keep voting until someone reaches that threshold.  Last year, that was me.

It wasn't casting lots, and I don't know if I am the one God chose, but I am grateful I was able to attend the Conference. 

I had heard (and watched via streaming) the vitriolic 2019 Special Conference.  I hoped before we went that it would not be like that, but that was part of my expectation - that there would be arguments and ugliness. 

Not everyone agreed about anything at General Conference; however, the tenor of the conversations were not ugly. There was a sweet spirit in the conferencing. There were difficult conversations - about the number of bishops, the budget, regionalization, the Social Principles, and the removal of language relating to homosexuals. I can count the number of conversations that turned close to ugly on one hand.  Most of the tough conversations were respectful and necessary. 

Being chosen to attend General Conference was a blessing. As I said, I don't know if God was involved in my election, but I do know and can witness to God's presence at the Conference and with me throughout the two weeks.

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