Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Genesis Touch

I'm currently reading a book by Barbara Brown Taylor called Always a Guest.  It's a book sermons she has delivered in various places across the country as a guest preacher.  So far, and I'm on chapter 4, it's wonderful - but I expected that to be the case. 

In a sermon called Errors about Beauty, she writes (or preaches):

The Creator made us to co-create, and there is little that gives us as much pleasure as making beautiful things; not just painting, poems, sculptures, and symphonies, but also gardens, cakes, perfect designs in new-mown grass, and babies  When we put something beautiful into the world, it is Genesis all over again  We are engaged in divine work.

We are created to co-create?  Who is or are our co-creators?  First, I think God.  Made in God's image, we are granted creativity.  We are creative in concert with God - and I like that word, because it can feel like dancing and music. When you pray, you step into the dance, asking God to allow you to join in the creative force - asking God to join you in the creative force.  And, together, you create love, healing, comfort, justice, beauty, and an abundance of other wonderful aspects of God's kingdom.

Who else is your co-creator?  I believe the people God would call your neighbors.  You create with other people.  We are the church, and together, we can work to change the world.  It is the creative kingdom work that God has called us to do.

What is God calling you to do with God today? What is God calling you to do with someone else today? What creations await your genesis touch? What divine work is left undone that needs your God-given creativity?


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