Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Litany of Confession from Psalm 40

L: We try to wait patiently, o God, and ask you to turn your ear toward us.
P: Hear our confession, and grant us peace.
L: So often we find ourselves in a pit made of our sin, a bog of our unfaithfulness.
P: Lift us up, Oh, God.  Forgive us, and set our feet on solid rock.  Make our steps secure.
L: Put a new song in our mouths, a song of praise to you.  Let those who hear us know that they can put their trust in you.
P: Help us to put our trust in you.
L: We turn from you, Oh God, and our pride stands in our way.  Idols block our paths to you.
P: Forgive us, Oh God, and bring us into your Joy
L: Amen.

Inspired by Psalm 40


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