Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Baptism Images

During our second session for Come to the Water (an advanced course about baptism on BeADisciple), we read through a large list of scriptures concerning water imagery and stories.  In the lesson material, the leader made a statement that relates Christian baptism to the idea that it is “more about the meaning of the water, and passing safely through the water.” (emphasis mine).  The immediate image in my mind was from Exodus – God bringing the Israelites safely through the water in Egypt.  Safely from slavery to freedom, from their old life to a newly created one.  It was surprising because such an iconic Hebrew Bible image could bring me (an unintended) new understanding of baptism.
She also made a connection between baptism and circumcision.  Circumcision was the primary ritual that initiated a Hebrew male into the Covenant (not a ritual bath).  Have you ever considered the idea that baptism is a replacement for circumcision?  I hadn't.  In fact, I read that and thought, “huh?”  I can certainly see the connection through the idea of covenant.  Considering the idea, I like the replacement!  Baptism is open to all – not just to most men.  Baptism, to me, feels like an act of God (not of humans); that may be my United Methodist beliefs coming through.  I compare that to circumcision, which seems to be an act of man.  Paul saw it as adherence to the law (and worked hard to make sure new gentile Christians did not have to adhere to laws such as circumcision.  


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