Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Quotes and a Plan

I am seeing a lot quotes on social media like the ones that follows:
  • I am not in control, but I am deeply loved by the One who is
  • If it were possible for me to alter any part of his plan, I could only spoil it
  • Go will only give you what you would have asked for it you knew everything he knows (Timothy Keller)
I've spoken before about what I think is a danger of quotes, especially those used on social media.  We read them, and we like the cleverness of them, and we are comforted by some part of them, so we repost - and maybe we believe, without really thinking about what the clever quote says.

Lately, I've been really seeing the ones about God's control and God's plan.  I think we are comforted by these kind of thoughts, because we know we are not in control, and we want SOMEONE to be in control.  Do you think that these comforting cliches ignore the idea that we (and everyone around us) has free will? Do you think they lead to the belief that if something horrible happens, we shouldn't question it, because it is part of God's plan that we do not understand?

I still go back to the book The Will of God by Rev. Leslie Weatherhead.  This small book that is a series of sermons preached after World War II talks about the will of God, and God's plan.  God has a plan - an ultimate plan for the good of God's creation.  Because we have free will - and that is part of how we were created, I think - we interfere with God's plan.  The ultimate plan will eventually succeed, but in the meantime, we are mistaken if we think what humanity does - or even just chance - is God's plan.

These quotes are only comforting until you actually think about them.  Then they fall apart, don't you think?



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