Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Still thinking about yesterday's post...

I was watching a video on Youtube; the woman speaking was wearing a t-shirt that said "Gratitude is the best attitude." Normally I would say that something short and catchy like that that rhymes couldn't possibly be true - that it boils down any truth so much that the truth boils away, leaving a sludge of rhyme and catchyness that can trick us into believing it is true when it really is only emptiness.

But I think there is truth in this phrase.

Sunday in worship Terry said, "You can't be resentful and loving at the same time." (Or something close to that.). 

Can you hold resentfulness and gratitude in your hand at the same time? Life is complicated, so I can't say anything is true all of the time, but I think most of the time, if we are resentful, we have no room left for gratitude.

And if we are grateful, then we can be loving, forgiving, and generous.  Gratitude opens us up to beauty and kindness - both seeing it and offering it.

Maybe gratitude is the best attitude.

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