Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Stewardship and Generosity, Part 2

Continuing my thoughts from yesterday - are the words stewardship and generosity synonyms?

Yesterday, I wrote about my perceptions of the words discipleship and stewardship, largely formed from Dan R. Dick's book, Beyond Money.  I wrote about particular definitions of each word, and how they relate. 

Today, let's define generosity.  Bishop Robert Schnase, in his book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, defines extravagant generosity this way:

As people grow in relationship to Christ, they grow also in the practice of extravagant generosity, offering more of themselves for the purposes of Christ and providing the resources that strengthen ministry and that help the church touch the lives of more and more people in thee same way their own lives have been transformed by God.

For me, generosity is a characteristic of God.  God has given us life, all that we have, all the gifts we possess, all that is good around us.  God gave us his son, and his son gave his life for us.  We are created in the image of God, and by grace, we become (are transformed) more and more into that image every day.  Generosity, as one of the spiritual gifts we receive as we grow more like God, is one of the ways we reflect God's image in us.

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