Tuesday, July 31, 2018

In the image

I've written using this image before - it's the Rembrandt painting that inspired Henri Nouwen to write the book of the same name, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

Take a look at the father and the elder son (the character to the far right). Don't you see their similarity? The red cloaks, the beards, the light on their faces. There is no doubt that they are father and son.

And yet, there are differences, too.  Nouwen points out the open nature of the father's cloak compared the to closed nature of the son. The body language of each - the father reaching toward the younger son; the elder son standing apart.  

If we think of the father as representative of God, and the elder son as any of us, then what does this say about us? We are sons (and daughters) of the father, so much so that we are made in God's image. We have been equipped to answer God's call in the world, and to be Christ to those who see us.  And yet we stand apart. We stand closed off in resentment.

What does this say about us? What does this speak to us about what changes we need to make in ourselves? What does this say to us about the changes grace needs to work in our lives?

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